The Wulfen Army Ammunition Plant, also known as "Muna Wulfen," was one of the numerous ammunition factories built in Nazi Germany during the National Socialist era. This particular facility, located between the Dorsten districts of Deuten, Holsterhausen, Hervest, and Wulfen, served the Wehrmacht as a site for the production and storage of ammunition. The Muna was built in the 1930s and played an important role during World War II in supplying the German armed forces with ammunition and explosives.
The German air squadron of the Condor Legion destroys the Spanish town of Guernica. Entrance in 1939 with German soldiers | _ |
1937 |
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In December, the Military District Administration VI in Münster informed the local mayor of Wulfen about the military acquisition of a site located in the districts of Wulfen and Hervest. The site extends between the two railway lines running through Deuten and through Wulfen. The expropriation of private owners with minimal compensation begins immediately. |
Britische Soldaten bei der Muna |
1939 |
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With intensive construction activity involving over 800 workers, the munitions plant is completed. The “Muna” is connected to the road and railway networks. After the outbreak of the Second World War, 91 female and 217 male Soviet forced laborers are also deployed. On December 29, 1944, a munitions building explodes, killing 26 people, including 13 forced laborers. | |
1945 |
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After the end of the Second World War, the British Rhine Army takes over the “Muna” in July and employs 108 German workers. By 1949, the number rises to 360, making the “Muna” the largest employer in Wulfen. From May 1946, around 50 Yugoslavs are employed as security personnel. | |
The rearmament of both German states begins with the establishment of the Bundeswehr and the NVA.
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1956 |
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At the “Great Ring,” the “Englishmen's Settlement” is created for British military families. A primary school is built on the “Muna” premises for British schoolchildren. |
1983 |
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As the anti-war movement grows, a peace service is held in October at the gates of the “Muna.” | |
381 new ammunition bunkers 381 neue Munitionsbunker | _ |
1987 |
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The British Rhine Army begins enlarging and modernizing the “Muna.” 381 new munitions bunkers are built. |
The Two Plus Four Agreement between the Federal Republic of Germany, the GDR, and the Allied Powers made German reunification possible in terms of foreign policy.
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1990 |
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During the Gulf War against Iraq, numerous military trucks transport munitions from the “Muna” through the town. This leads to protest marches against the Gulf War and the munitions depot. More than 1,000 people participate in the 1990 Easter march to the “Muna.” Representatives from the council, administration, and local peace groups decide to establish a council commission on the future of the “Muna.” |
Easter March 1992 |
1997 |
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The British Army announces its intention to vacate the Wulfen site. In October 1998, the British soldiers are bid farewell with a ceremonial parade in the Dorsten marketplace. | |
Farewell Parade of British Troops 1998 |
1999 |
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On July 1, the Bundeswehr, led by Lieutenant Colonel Rudolf Haller, takes over the Wulfen munitions depot. Through the integration of smaller stations, Wulfen becomes the largest munitions depot in Germany. | |
2004 |
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ix more munitions depots from North Rhine-Westphalia are assigned to the main site in Wulfen, now named the “West Munitions Supply Center.” |
Eröffnung - 23.05.2024
Adresse - Haupteingang
Geodaten -
Vor der Enthüllung der Geschichtsstation sorgte die Blasmusik Wulfen für festliche Stimmung, indem sie die britische und die deutsche Nationalhymne spielte. Anschließend wurde der Vorhang gelüftet, und die neue Tafel erstrahlte im warmen Licht der Abendsonne. Diese Dorstener Geschichtsstation befindet sich direkt vor dem Haupteingang des Muna-Zentrums West an der Munastraße in Wulfen.
Der Leiter des Munitions-Versorgungs-Zentrums West, Oberstleutnant Thomas Vellmer, hieß die zahlreich erschienenen Gäste am Tor der Muna herzlich willkommen.
Die Errichtung dieser Geschichtsstation wurde maßgeblich vom Wulfener Heimatverein unterstützt.
Reinhardt Schwingenheuer von der Geschichtsgruppe des Vereins erläuterte den Anwesenden die Informationen, die auf der Tafel festgehalten sind.
In seinem amüsanten Vortrag berichtete er zudem von vielen interessanten Aspekten rund um die Muna und die Menschen, die dort arbeiteten und lebten. „Gemeinsam mit dem Verein für Orts- und Heimatkunde und dem Leiter des MVZ West haben wir uns bewusst für den 23. Mai 2024 als Datum für die feierliche Einweihung dieser besonderen Geschichtsstation entschieden.
Genau 75 Jahre zuvor, am 23. Mai 1949, wurde das Grundgesetz der Bundesrepublik Deutschland durch den Parlamentarischen Rat in Bonn beschlossen. In der Eides- bzw. Gelöbnisformel für die Soldatinnen und Soldaten der Bundeswehr heißt es: ‘Ich schwöre/gelobe, der Bundesrepublik Deutschland treu zu dienen und das Recht und die Freiheit des deutschen Volkes tapfer zu verteidigen, so wahr mir Gott helfe‘,“ erklärte Bürgermeister Tobias Stockhoff.