The Tüshaus Mill is a water-mill in Dorsten-Deuten in North-Rhine-Westphalia. The mill is on the southern edge of the wooded area of "Üfter Mark", where the water of the Hamm Brook "Hammbach" coming from Rhade to the Mill Pond "Mühlenteich" is restricted by a dam.
The history of the Tüshaus Farmhouse, to which the mill belongs, goes back to the year 1382 and the history of the mill goes back to 1615. Deuten - which has been a district of Dorsten since 1975 and of Wulfen-Deuten beforehand - has a history going back 1111 years.
The Princes of Thurn and Taxis gain the sole right to transport the post. The Mill with the Water Wheel | _ |
1615 |
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Untreated wool yarn is cleaned and made into cloth and felt at the Walk Mill "Walkmühle", constructed on old foundations at the Hamm Brook "Hammbach", belonging to the Lord of the Castle of Lembeck "Schloss Lembeck". |
Benjamin Franklin erfindet den Blitzableiter. Kollergang der Ölmühle | _ |
1752 |
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Die Walkmühle wird ausgebaut und erhält ein zweites Mühlrad. Danach dient die Mühle dem Pächter Joan-Heinrich Tüshaus auch als Ölmühle. |
The building of Ulm Cathedral is completed. Grinding Process of the Corn Mill | _ |
1890 |
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Heinrich Tüshaus acquires the mill, extends it by a further storey and erects a corn mill with two millstones, inside it. |
The pioneering pilot August Euler builds the first German engine-driven aeroplanes. Switching Board of the Electricity Supply | _ |
1908 |
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The technical development of the mill reaches its peak with the installation of a generator. The 110 Volt direct current installation delivers the electrical current for the mill buildings, the miller's accommodation and the neighbouring farm, up until 1970. |
The Panama Canal is opened.
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1914 |
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The technology of the oil mill is modernised. |
IBM brings the first commercially-available punch card computer on the market.
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1948 |
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The oil mill is shut down. |
The first complete synthesis of a gene is achieved.
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1970 |
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The pressure of competition from the big mills forces Hermann Tüshaus to close the installation down as one of the last water mills in the region of Münster "Münsterland". |
Explosion in the nuclear reactor in Chernobyl.
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1986 |
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The Tüshau Mill is officially recognised as a technical cultural monument. |
The Voyager Mission, which started in 1977, reaches Neptune. The research scientists discover 12 moons on the photos transmitted back to the Earth.
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1989 |
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The "Vereinigten Elektrizitätswerke Westfalen AG (VEW)" restores the old electricity |
2013 |
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The old direct current installation is converted to alternating current. The restored Francis Turbine is now automatically controlled by the water level in the Mill Brook "Mühlenteich". |
Eröffnung - 4th September 2001
Adresse - Tüshaus Mill "Tüshaus-Mühle", Deuten, Hammbachweg
Geodaten - 51°42'23.4 ,6°57'31.8
Die Gäste
Mayor Lambert Lütkenhorst. Franz-J. Stevens, head of the department of culture and further education, had the idea of erecting "history stations" for the occasion of the town's jubilee celebrations, so as to enable citizens and visitors to learn more about the history of the town. Inge and Werner Tüshaus are the sponsors of the History Station Tüshaus Mill "Geschichtsstation 'Tüshaus Mühle'".