[Rundweg neuere Geschichte]

History of Dorsten - Station 32: Banks and Savings Banks Translator: Lyn

The Mayor, Lambert Lütkenhorst went searching for money in the town. The findings of Roman coins at the address "am Kreskenhof" are his evidence for its earlier importance. He praised the present-day banks as "reliable partners of the town's citizens and businesses" ( „verlässlicher Partner der Bürger und Unternehmen in der Stadt". )

The History Station was generously supported by the Saving Bank "Sparkasse Vest", which celebrated its 150th year of being established in the town, this year. The bank "Volksbank" was established in 1895.

Translator's Note. The source of the text that I have translated is given in the text as (WAZ vom 09.11.2009)

Currency in the Empire (1871 - 1918)



The savings bank "Kreissparkasse Recklinghausen" (nowadays Sparkasse Vest) opens a branch on the Market Place address "Markt".



The town of Dorsten decides upon the establishment of a municipal savings bank "Städtische Sparkasse", which starts business in 1879.



F.J. de Weldige-Cremer, a citizen of Dorsten, opens a private bank concern, that exists until 1958.

The North Baltic Channel is opened.




A Savings and Credit Bank Institute "Spar- und Darlehenskassenverein (sic)" is opened in Lembeck and Wulfen and in 1896 also in Rhade.



The Commercial Bank "Gewerbebank" moves into its first office rooms at the address of "Recklinghäuser Straße" (1924 Savings and Credit Bank "Spar- und Darlehnskasse (sic)", 1974 the National Bank "Volksbank Dorsten eG). The financial institution move its site in 1924 to the market place "Markt", 1955 to the address "an den Südwall"; the present-day building is opened in 1983.

Th. Roosevelt receives the Nobel Prize for Peace.

Receipt for a Wartime Loan (1918)




The Credit Bank "Essener Credit-Anstalt" sets up an agency, which is taken over by the Bank "Deutsche Bank". The Bank "Dorstener Bank AG" is also established in 1906 but is closed in 1916.

Emergency Money around 1923



The administrative district of Recklinghausen and the town of Dorsten decide upon the merging of their Saving Banks "Sparkassen" into the District and Town Saving Bank "Kreis- und Stadtsparkasse Dorsten", which loses its independence in 1932 and continues as the main branch of the District Savings Bank "Kreissparkasse" in Dorsten "Hauptzweigstelle Dorsten" .



The Credit Bank "Kundenkreditbank" (Customer Credit Bank) opens a branch at the address "Essener Straße"

Adenauer travels to Moscow for a State Visit.




The Savings and Credit Bank "Spar- und Darlehnskasse Dorsten (sic)" establishes branches in Holsterhausen (1955), Hervest-Dorsten (1956) and Altendorf-Ulfkotte (1963).



The Bank "Commerzbank" establishes a branch on the Market PLace "am Markt". The establishment of further branches of large banks follows: "Dresdener Bank" (1981), "Citibank" (1991), "Postbank" (2003).



The District Savings Bank "Kreissparkasse" is represented by eight branches in the town area of today. The financial institution opens the present offices at the address "am Südwall" in the year 1999.



The National Banks "Volksbanken" in Rhade and Lembeck merge into the National Bank Lembeck-Rhade "Volksbank Lembeck-Rhade eG".



The National Bank "Volksbank Wulfen eG" merges with the National Bank "Volksbank Dorsten eG".

Bank Business, nowadays.



The Savings Bank "Sparkasse Vest" has existed in Dorsten for 150 years.


Daten und Fakten

Eröffnung - 06. November 2009

Adresse - Südwall - Am Graben

Geodaten -

Celebratory Official Opening of the 32nd History Station

The History Station, "Banks and Saving Banks" (Banken und Sparkassen) was unveiled at the wall and moat (Wall- und Grabenanlage) area at the address "Südwall / corner Julius-Ambrunn-Straße" (Südwall/ Ecke Julius-Ambrunn-Straße). The celebratory atmosphere for the official opening of the, at this point, 32nd History Station in the town was given by the trumpeters of the group "Fanfarenzug Holsterhausen 53"

The History Station Plaque - in the background the Savings Bank "Sparkasse" and National Bank "Volksbank".

Once again, the History Station plaque was created by a co-operation between the History Club of the Petrinum Grammar School, the Lions Club Dorsten-Hanse and the town.

Before Frauke Wessel and Dominic Albers from the History Club pulled off the sheet from the plaque (Translator's note: "das Tuch von der Tafel zogen" has been translated exactly by me but it is my opinion that the word "unveiled" is more appropriate.), the Mayor, Lambert Lütkenhorst recalled the history of money in the town.