Dorsten's History - Station 15: Ruhrgas (Translation Lyn)

The first factory installation, producing gas from hard coal using a high pressure process, is grounded in Dorsten in co-operation with the geographically neighbouring mine-shafts of "Fürst Leopold and Baldur". The first installations can be used in the Summer of 1955, following just 18months of construction work.

Up until 1966, 4 million metric tons of hard coal from the mine-shaft "Fürst Leopold-Baldur" are purified in order to produce the exchange gas of the coking plant. The ash resulting from the gasification process (approximately 0.9 million metric tons) is a sort-after by-product for the building and stabilising of dams. The Dorstener Factory has customers from all over Europe.

Coke Production Installation



Initiated by Ruhrgas AG, the first attempts at coke production from local hard coal begin at the "Ruhrchemie" site in Oberhausen-Holten. The coal extracted in Dorsten achieves by far the best results.

The Ruhrgas AG board of directors decide on the foundation of the




The first factory installation, producing gas from hard coal using a high pressure process, is grounded in Dorsten in co-operation with the geographically neighbouring mine-shafts of "Fürst Leopold and Baldur". The first installations can be used in the Summer of 1955, following just 18months of construction work.

Up until 1966, 4 million metric tons of hard coal from the mine-shaft "Fürst Leopold-Baldur" are purified in order to produce the exchange gas of the coking plant. The ash resulting from the coke produciotn process (approximately 0.9 million metric tons) is a sort-after by-product for the building and stabilising of dams. The Dorstener Factory has customers from all over Europe.

Chemical Laboratory in the 1960's



The production of coal gas under pressure is stopped for economic reasons - the price of coal had increased by this point in time to five-fold its initial price. The "Steinkohlengas AG" is dissolved in 1967. Town gas is produced during the next two decades from the conversion of natural gas.

The Federal Republic of Germany gets gas from the Netherlands.




Ruhrgas erects a Research and Development Centre on the site, in order to fulfil the technical requirements for the general introduction of natural gas.

The first natural gas from the Soviet Union reaches the Federal Republic of Germany




The "Ruhrgas-Sommers-Method" which is developed here and which enables a flexible setting of the burners in gas boilers, is used all over Europe.

Norway has supplied the Federal Republic for two years wih natural gas from the North Sea.




As a consequence of the first oil price crisis, a test installation for high pressure coal gas (100 bar) is started to enable a natural gas exchange gas to be produced.



A procedure developed in Dorsten for the exact calculation of natural gas quantities starts to be used world-wide. The first condensing boilers incorporating a particularly low-emission gas burner, which was developed in Dorsten, become commercially available.

200kW- Fuel Cell



For the first time in Germany, a 200kW Fuel Cell Installation starts up its operation for the efficient production of electricity and heat.

High-Pressure Testing Station



The high-pressure testing station "Pigsar" is used for the exact calibration of Gas Meters. It has been classified since 1999 as the "National Norm for High-Pressure-Gas" because of its high quality.



A new measuring system, using miniature sensors for determining the calorific value of natural gases, is awarded a prize for innovation by the "Fachverband Sensorik".



50 Years of Ruhrgas in Dorsten


Daten und Fakten

Eröffnung - 27th June 2003

Adresse - Ruhrgas, Halterner Str.
(A new location to be found)

Geodaten - 51°40'17.8 ,6°59'26.7

Zeitdokumente in Bildern

Die Ruhrgas-Anlage

Abendstimmung - Blick auf die Anlage

Bild aus den 60ger Jahren