The first factory installation, producing gas from hard coal using a high pressure process, is grounded in Dorsten in co-operation with the geographically neighbouring mine-shafts of "Fürst Leopold and Baldur". The first installations can be used in the Summer of 1955, following just 18months of construction work.
Up until 1966, 4 million metric tons of hard coal from the mine-shaft "Fürst Leopold-Baldur" are purified in order to produce the exchange gas of the coking plant. The ash resulting from the gasification process (approximately 0.9 million metric tons) is a sort-after by-product for the building and stabilising of dams. The Dorstener Factory has customers from all over Europe.
Coke Production Installation |
1949 |
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Initiated by Ruhrgas AG, the first attempts at coke production from local hard coal begin at the "Ruhrchemie" site in Oberhausen-Holten. The coal extracted in Dorsten achieves by far the best results. | |
The Ruhrgas AG board of directors decide on the foundation of the
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1953 |
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The first factory installation, producing gas from hard coal using a high pressure process, is grounded in Dorsten in co-operation with the geographically neighbouring mine-shafts of "Fürst Leopold and Baldur". The first installations can be used in the Summer of 1955, following just 18months of construction work. |
Chemical Laboratory in the 1960's |
1966 |
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The production of coal gas under pressure is stopped for economic reasons - the price of coal had increased by this point in time to five-fold its initial price. The "Steinkohlengas AG" is dissolved in 1967. Town gas is produced during the next two decades from the conversion of natural gas. | |
The Federal Republic of Germany gets gas from the Netherlands.
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1968 |
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Ruhrgas erects a Research and Development Centre on the site, in order to fulfil the technical requirements for the general introduction of natural gas. |
The first natural gas from the Soviet Union reaches the Federal Republic of Germany
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1973 |
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The "Ruhrgas-Sommers-Method" which is developed here and which enables a flexible setting of the burners in gas boilers, is used all over Europe. |
Norway has supplied the Federal Republic for two years wih natural gas from the North Sea.
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1979 |
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As a consequence of the first oil price crisis, a test installation for high pressure coal gas (100 bar) is started to enable a natural gas exchange gas to be produced. |
1990 |
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A procedure developed in Dorsten for the exact calculation of natural gas quantities starts to be used world-wide. The first condensing boilers incorporating a particularly low-emission gas burner, which was developed in Dorsten, become commercially available. | |
200kW- Fuel Cell |
1992 |
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For the first time in Germany, a 200kW Fuel Cell Installation starts up its operation for the efficient production of electricity and heat. | |
High-Pressure Testing Station |
1993 |
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The high-pressure testing station "Pigsar" is used for the exact calibration of Gas Meters. It has been classified since 1999 as the "National Norm for High-Pressure-Gas" because of its high quality. | |
2001 |
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A new measuring system, using miniature sensors for determining the calorific value of natural gases, is awarded a prize for innovation by the "Fachverband Sensorik". | |
2003 |
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50 Years of Ruhrgas in Dorsten |
Eröffnung - 27th June 2003
Adresse - Ruhrgas, Halterner Str.
(A new location to be found)
Geodaten - 51°40'17.8 ,6°59'26.7
Die Ruhrgas-Anlage
Abendstimmung - Blick auf die Anlage
Bild aus den 60ger Jahren