[Rundweg Religion]

History of Dorsten - Station 36: Kolping House "Kolpinghaus"

Nowadays, the organisation founded in 1861 by the chaplain "Kaplan Lackhove" as a Catholic Social Club is known as the "Kolpingsfamilie Dorsten-Zentral" ("Kolping Family Central-Dorsten").

The annual highlight for young and old are the family weekends in different educational establishments such as recently in the adult education centre, "katholische Heimvolkshochschule" in Rindern near Kleve.

There are about eight joint events each year. Amongst these are the walks Maigang (a walk in May) and the Emmausgang, hikes as well as visits to factories and institutions, visits to museums or cooking together in the educational building of "Haus der Familie" (House of the Family) and a journey through the snow in winter.

Maria Gertz and Reinhard Tümmers state that, "Our events are always for the whole family" (unsere Angebote sind immer für die ganze Familie". Attention is paid that all of the expeditions are as cheap as possible, so that they are affordable for every family: "The young children travel for free, food is brought along with them" "Die kleinen Kinder fahren kostenlos mit, die Verpflegung wird mitgenommen."

The 150th birthday was celebrated well on 18th and 19th of June on the church square "Kirchplatz" of the St Agatha Church. Open-Air-Fete with the Party Band "Juke Box", festive High Mass in the church "Agatha-Kirche" with banner delegations "Bannerabordnungen" and many festive speeches. The brass band of the Comprehensive School in Wulfen, the Kolping Society of Münster, the president of the Kolping Society and of the diocese were also present. A grill and drink stand, buffet and lots of entertainmaint for the children awaited the guests afterwards, on the church square "auf dem Kirchplatz".

Adolf Kolping (1813 - 1865) the founder of the "Kolpingwerk"



Chaplain Lackhove from St Agatha establishes the Catholic Journeyman's Organisation "Katholischer Gesellenverein". The first local meeting place is in the hotel "Gasthof Hutmacher" situated at the street address of Essener Straße.

The organisation's meeting place at the Hotel Hutmacher (later Langenstroer), 1911



Following the laying of the foundation stone by Bishop Hermann, the Priest, Lorenz, officially opens the Catholic Meeting House, that rapidly develops into the centre of the life of clubs and organisations in Dorsten.

1914 - 1918


During the First World War, the house is occupied by prisoners of war, for a time.

Establishment of the general Confederation of German Syndicates Translator's Note: Translated from the French because the German text is Polish!




After the completion of the extensive building and repair work, the Journeymen's House ("Gesellenhaus") is once again available as a lodge for travelling journeymen and as a place for career-development lectures, course and social events.

The final farewell of the "Dorstener Kolpingsöhne", who go off on travels (Cologne 1936)

1933 - 1945


As part of the re-organisation of the association, the Catholic Journeymen's Organisation of Dorsten "Katholische Gesellenverein in Dorsten" is changed into a "Kolping Family" ("Kolpingsfamilie") in 1933. The Journeymen's House takes on the name "Kolpinghaus" from then on. During the Nazi regime, the club and association life cannot freely blossom. During the Second World War, the German armed forces and other authorities use the building "Kolpinghaus", which is destroyed in March 1945.



The parish of the St Agatha Church builds a provisional church on the land of the building "Kolpinghaus".



As part of the 700 year jubilee celebrations of the town of Dorsten, the re-established Kolpings Family "Kolpingsfamilie" celebrates its 90th years Jubilee of their foundation.

The newly-built building "Kolpinghaus" at the address "am Südwall" in 1953.




After the Kolpings Family had made the decision to rebuild the building "Kolpinghaus" in 1950, it is officialy openened that year by the priest "Pfarrer Westhoff" and the president of the diocese, Hölscher.



The "Kolpingsfamilie" association celebrates its 100th Jubilee with a big procession of skilled craftsmen and calls itself, since then, the "Kolpingsfamilie Dorsten-Zentral".

1974 - 1986


The hall of the building "Kolpinghaus" - the previous provisional church - is prevented from being used for events by the building control department. It is leased for a time as a storage-room.



During the new design of the town's building structure in this area, the building "Kolpinghaus" is demolished.

Pope Benedikt XVI visits Germany.




The "Kolpingsfamilie" association celebrates its 150th year Jubilee.


Daten und Fakten

Eröffnung - 4th December 2011

Adresse - The moat and ditches "Wall- und Grabenanlage" at the location between "Südwall" and "Südgraben", opposite the Jewish Museum.

Geodaten - 51°39'34.92 6°58'01.75

Celebratory official opening on 4th December 2011

The History Station 36, - recalls the history of the first "Kolpingsfamilie" association in Dorsten is located at the address "am Wallgraben" - approximately level to the location where the bulding "Kolpinghaus" previously stood.

Speech by Lambert Lütkenhorst

The Mayor, Lambert Lütkenhorst, talked about the past in his speech and about the future chances of the association "Kolpingsfamilie".

Before the presentation, there was a church service in the St Agatha church.

The priest "Pfarrer Franke" and the song: "O come, o come Emmanuel" ("O komm, O komm Emanuel")

Around 110 members of all age groups join in and the president of the association, Maria Gertz, and her representative, Reinhard Tümmers, organise interesting activities. Many of them already belong to the "family" and many remained true, even after their move to other parishes.

Reinhard Tümmers from the association "Kolpingsfamilie Dorsten-Zentral"

There's nothing like it used to be. Craftsmen have not automatically belonged to this association for a long time already, now and nowadays the "Kolpingsfamilie" associations have to redefine their place. This, in a tine, in which they have to compete with many other clubs and organisations and many other pastime activities. Above all, it is young people who are absent.

Lambert Lütkenhorst unveils ......

In the year of the official opening of the History Station, the first established "Kolpingsfamilie" association in Dorsten looks back over 150 years of history. This Jubilee was celebrated in May 2011.

done - unveiled

At the end, a reception for the guests took place in the Parish Hall of St Agatha.